# A better mode function
<- function(x) {
Mode <- unique(x)
ux which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
ux[ }
Fema Flood Data
Create a clean version of FEMA’s flood claims file
This is a project for Episcopal Relief and Development. The goal is to identify poor neighborhoods subject to frequent flooding, so that ERD can try to help people move out of those areas to safer locations. So we need to look at historical flooding data, and combine that with census and social vulnerability data.
FEMA has a parquet file where each record documents a flood claim made. The file begins in 1978, and goes up until 2025. It contains many data fields, but in particular has the census Block Group, as well as much information about the nature of the flood, the structure, the claim, and some demographic data.
Set up connection to file and read and save
<- arrow::open_dataset(paste0(pq_path,"FimaNfipClaims (2).parquet"))
<- FEMA %>% collect()
saveRDS(FEMA_all, paste0(path, "FEMA/FEMA_Flood.rds"))
Clean up data
I want to collapse the data to Block-Group level statistics. But I also want to retain the flood events that have hit each block, and do some filtering. I don’t care about floods that generated only 1 or 2 claims, for example.
Unfortunately, the block group may be derived from the 2010 or the 2020 census for each record, and there is no way to actually know. I will try to get close and assume that for each record last updated before 2020, that they used the 2010 census, and then take a close look at the post 2020 data.
# Select potentially interesting fields and select occupancy types
### causeOfDamage:
# 0 : Other causes;
# 1 : Tidal water overflow;
# 2 : Stream, river, or lake overflow;
# 3 : Alluvial fan overflow;
# 4 : Accumulation of rainfall or snowmelt;
# 7 : Erosion-demolition;
# 8 : Erosion-removal;
# 9 : Earth movement, landslide, land subsidence, sinkholes, etc.
### occupancyType:
# 1 = single family residence;
# 2 = 2 to 4 unit residential building;
# 3 = residential building with more than 4 units;
# 4 = Non-residential building;
# 6 = Non Residential - Business;
# 11 = Single-family residential building with the exception of a mobile home or a single residential unit within a multi unit building;
# 12 = A residential non-condo building with 2, 3, or 4 units seeking insurance on all units;
# 13 = A residential non-condo building with 5 or more units seeking insurance on all units;
# 14 = Residential mobile/manufactured home;
# 15 = Residential condo association seeking coverage on a building with one or more units;
# 16 = Single residential unit within a multi-unit building;
# 17 = Non-residential mobile/manufactured home;
# 18 = A non-residential building;
# 19 = a non-residential unit within a multi-unit building
<- FEMA_all %>%
FEMA2 select(asOfDate, dateOfLoss, state, countyCode, ratedFloodZone, occupancyType,
amountPaidOnBuildingClaim, amountPaidOnContentsClaim, yearOfLoss,
buildingDamageAmount, primaryResidenceIndicator,
rentalPropertyIndicator, buildingPropertyValue,
buildingReplacementCost, causeOfDamage, floodEvent, waterDepth,
floodZoneCurrent, censusTract, censusBlockGroupFips, nfipCommunityName,%>%
eventDesignationNumber, latitude, longitude) arrange(dateOfLoss) %>%
filter(occupancyType %in% c(1,2,3,11,12,13,14,15)) # residential only
# Let's look at the distribution of some of the values to see how valuable they
# actually might be.
<- modify(FEMA2, ~sum(is.na(.)))
NA_count <- pivot_longer(NA_count[1,],
NA_count everything(),
NA_count mutate(Pct=Num_NA/nrow(FEMA2)) %>%
gt() %>%
columns = everything(),
use_seps = TRUE
Variable | Num_NA | Pct |
asOfDate | 0 | 0 |
dateOfLoss | 0 | 0 |
state | 0 | 0 |
countyCode | 54,461 | 0 |
ratedFloodZone | 124,590 | 0 |
occupancyType | 0 | 0 |
amountPaidOnBuildingClaim | 524,061 | 0 |
amountPaidOnContentsClaim | 524,061 | 0 |
yearOfLoss | 0 | 0 |
buildingDamageAmount | 543,743 | 0 |
primaryResidenceIndicator | 0 | 0 |
rentalPropertyIndicator | 0 | 0 |
buildingPropertyValue | 543,743 | 0 |
buildingReplacementCost | 543,743 | 0 |
causeOfDamage | 33,485 | 0 |
floodEvent | 672,141 | 0 |
waterDepth | 216,563 | 0 |
floodZoneCurrent | 1,764,729 | 1 |
censusTract | 119,120 | 0 |
censusBlockGroupFips | 119,120 | 0 |
nfipCommunityName | 1,719,582 | 1 |
eventDesignationNumber | 2,302,482 | 1 |
latitude | 36,585 | 0 |
longitude | 36,585 | 0 |
## Clearly some variables are useless
# We have more lat longs than we have counties and census blocks. Do we want
# to use that?
<- FEMA2 %>%
No_county filter(is.na(countyCode)) %>%
group_by(state) %>%
# Look at primaryResidenceIndicator, If not a primary residence (vacation home)
# then don't care
<- FEMA2 %>%
Residence_indicator group_by(state) %>%
Not_primary=sum(primaryResidenceIndicator==FALSE)) %>%
select(state, Primary, Not_primary)
FEMA2 summarize(Primary=sum(primaryResidenceIndicator==TRUE),
Not_rental=sum(rentalPropertyIndicator==FALSE)) %>%
gt() %>%
columns = everything(),
use_seps = TRUE
Primary | Not_primary | Rental | Not_rental |
1,323,791 | 1,144,573 | 29,944 | 2,438,420 |
FEMA2 summarize(Primary_rental=sum(primaryResidenceIndicator&rentalPropertyIndicator),
NonPri_Nonrent=sum((!primaryResidenceIndicator)&(!rentalPropertyIndicator))) %>%
gt() %>%
columns = everything(),
use_seps = TRUE
Primary_rental | Primary_nonRent | NonPri_rental | NonPri_Nonrent |
2,679 | 1,321,112 | 27,265 | 1,117,308 |
# Drop if missing state, county, or block group (about 120,000 records)
<- FEMA2 %>%
FEMA2 filter(!state=="UN", # unknown
!state=="VI", # Virgin Islands
!state=="GU", # Guam
# Note that lat, longs are not useful - they have 1 decimal, so are
# accurate to about 7 miles.
<- c("floodZoneCurrent", "censusTract", "eventDesignationNumber",
Drop_columns "latitude", "longitude")
<- FEMA2 %>%
FEMA2 # Drop a few more variables and create a few
select(-one_of(Drop_columns)) %>%
mutate(Month=lubridate::month(dateOfLoss, label=TRUE)) %>%
==1 | occupancyType==11 | occupancyType==15 ~ "Own",
occupancyType==14 ~ "Mobile",
census block group problem - crosswalk where possible
I don’t know which census was used to derive the block groups. And there is no good way to recover that information. So I will make a few assumptions, try to put what records I can onto 2020 census block groups, and toss the rest.
Note that the crosswalk file was downloaded from the Census website shortly before the great data purge began.
# Let's look at the census block group problem
<- unique(FEMA2$state)
States <- "/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/Curated_Data_Files/Census_data/Flood/"
Cpath <- "/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/ERD/Data/"
<- read_delim(paste0(Xpath, "tab20_blkgrp20_blkgrp10_natl.txt"),
Xwalk delim="|", col_types="cccnncccccnnccnn") %>%
# Same blk grp id *and* large overlap - these have barely changed
<- Xwalk %>%
Same filter(GEOID_BLKGRP_20==GEOID_BLKGRP_10) %>%
# Largeish overlap, not equal ids. Names changed, but boundaries similar
<- Xwalk %>%
Xwalk2 filter(AREALAND_PART>0) %>%
group_by(GEOID_BLKGRP_10) %>%
) filter(Overlap>0.8) %>%
for (astate in States) {
<- readRDS(paste0(Cpath, "ACS_", astate, ".rds"))
Census2020 <- Census2020 %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
Census2020_nogeom select(GEOID, Pop_acs)
# if asOfDate is prior to 2020, then it seems likely that the 2010 census was used
<- FEMA2 %>% # pull out data prior to 2020
FEMA2_early filter(asOfDate<lubridate::mdy("1/1/2020")) %>%
<- FEMA2 %>%
FEMA2_late filter(asOfDate>=lubridate::mdy("1/1/2020")) %>%
# Match late records to 2020 census, and pull out the non-matches.
<- FEMA2_late %>%
Late_BlkGrps left_join(., Census2020_nogeom, by=join_by("censusBlockGroupFips"=="GEOID"))
<- Late_BlkGrps %>%
Remainder filter(is.na(Pop_acs)) %>% select(-Pop_acs)
<- Late_BlkGrps %>%
Late_BlkGrps filter(!is.na(Pop_acs)) %>% select(-Pop_acs)
# Match early records to "Same" and then match to 2020 census
<- FEMA2_early %>%
Good_early left_join(., Same, by=join_by("censusBlockGroupFips"=="GEOID_BLKGRP_20")) %>%
select(-GEOID_BLKGRP_10, -starts_with("AREA"))
<- Good_early %>%
Remainder2 filter(is.na(Overlap)) %>% select(-Overlap)
<- Good_early %>%
Good_early filter(!is.na(Overlap)) %>% select(-Overlap)
# Combine Remainder files and cross walk them
<- bind_rows(Remainder, Remainder2)
<- Remainder %>%
Remainder filter(!is.na(censusBlockGroupFips))
<- Remainder %>%
New_remainder inner_join(., Xwalk2, by=c("censusBlockGroupFips"="GEOID_BLKGRP_10")) %>%
mutate(censusBlockGroupFips=GEOID_BLKGRP_20) %>%
select(-Overlap, -Num_10, -GEOID_BLKGRP_20)
<- bind_rows(Late_BlkGrps, Good_early, New_remainder)
saveRDS(Final, paste0(Xpath, "Xwalk/FEMA_", astate, ".rds"))
Collapse data by block group, filter and add geometry
<- readRDS(paste0(Xpath, "Xwalk/FEMA_", States[1], ".rds"))
FEMA1 for (state in States[2:length(States)]) {
<- bind_rows(FEMA1, readRDS(paste0(Xpath, "Xwalk/FEMA_", state, ".rds")))
# Filter out low impact events (# claims for a primary in a blk grp <5)
# Create a list of week_yr per blk grp to keep
<- FEMA1 %>%
Keep_list replace_na(list(nfipCommunityName="Unk")) %>% # replace NA with Unk
replace_na(list(floodEvent="Unk")) %>% # replace NA with Unk
# Create a 1 week window to try to capture a single event
::week(dateOfLoss-3))) %>%
lubridategroup_by(censusBlockGroupFips, week_yr) %>%
Month=first(Month)) %>%
ungroup() #%>%
Keep_list filter(Num_primary<15) %>% # so it's easier to see stuff
ggplot(aes(x=Num_primary)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) +
labs(title="Total Claims (Primary) Distribution",
x="# Primary Claims per event",
<- Keep_list %>%
Keep_list filter(Num_primary>0) # need at least 1 claim on primary residence per event
# Collapse data by GEOID
<- FEMA1 %>%
FEMA4 replace_na(list(nfipCommunityName="Unk")) %>% # replace NA with Unk
# Create a 1 week window to try to capture a single event
::week(dateOfLoss-3))) %>%
lubridate# Drop values with <5 primary residence claims for a given event
inner_join(., Keep_list, join_by(censusBlockGroupFips, week_yr)) %>%
# Calculate blk grp statistics
group_by(censusBlockGroupFips, Occupancy, primaryResidenceIndicator) %>%
County=first(countyCode)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Occupancy, values_from = c(Num_Claims, Num_dates),
values_fill=0) %>%
Num_dates_Mobile=0)) %>%
# widen by combining primary residence indicator records
<- FEMA4 %>%
Foobar mutate(Residence=if_else(primaryResidenceIndicator, "Primary", "Vacation")) %>%
select(-primaryResidenceIndicator) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=Residence, values_from = starts_with("Num_")) %>%
select(-Num_Claims_Own_Vacation, -Num_Claims_Rent_Vacation,
-Num_Claims_Mobile_Vacation, -Num_dates_Own_Vacation,
-Num_dates_Rent_Vacation, -Num_dates_Mobile_Vacation, -Num_dates_Vacation,
-Num_dates_Own_Primary, -Num_dates_Rent_Primary, -Num_dates_Mobile_Primary) %>%
filter(!is.na(Num_Claims_Primary)) # Drop where only vacation homes claimed
# Look at long storm names to shorten them
<- FEMA1$floodEvent %>% unique()
Storm_names <- Storm_names[order(nchar(Storm_names), Storm_names)] # look at names
# Pull out storm names to later add back to file
<- Keep_list %>%
Storms filter(!is.na(censusBlockGroupFips)) %>%
mutate(Flood_event=stringr::str_replace(Flood_event, "Hurricane ", "H. ")) %>%
mutate(Flood_event=stringr::str_replace(Flood_event, "Tropical Storm", "T.S.")) %>%
mutate(Flood_event=stringr::str_replace(Flood_event, "Thunderstorms", "T-Storms")) %>%
mutate(Flood_event=paste(Flood_event, yearOfLoss, Month)) %>%
# Create strings of the storm names/year/month and the number of homes flooded
group_by(censusBlockGroupFips) %>%
summarize(floodEvents=paste(Flood_event, collapse=", "),
floodNum=paste(Num_primary,collapse=", ")) %>%
<- Foobar %>%
Final_FEMA inner_join(., Storms, by="censusBlockGroupFips") %>%
filter(!State=="UN") %>%
filter(Num_Claims_Primary>9) # 10 or more claims total
saveRDS(Final_FEMA, paste0(pq_path, "Final_FEMA_by_BlkGrp.rds"))
# causeOfDamage:
# 0 : Other causes;
# 1 : Tidal water overflow;
# : Stream, river, or lake overflow;
# 3 : Alluvial fan overflow;
# 4 : Accumulation of rainfall or snowmelt;
# 7 : Erosion-demolition;
# 8 : Erosion-removal;
# 9 : Earth movement, landslide, land subsidence, sinkholes, etc.
### occupancy types
# 1=single family residence;
# 2 = 2 to 4 unit residential building;
# 3 = residential building with more than 4 units;
# 4 = Non-residential building;
# 6 = Non Residential - Business;
# 11 = Single-family residential building with the exception of a mobile home or a single residential unit within a multi unit building;
# 12 = A residential non-condo building with 2, 3, or 4 units seeking insurance on all units;
# 13 = A residential non-condo building with 5 or more units seeking insurance on all units;
# 14 = Residential mobile/manufactured home;
# 15 = Residential condo association seeking coverage on a building with one or more units;
# 16 = Single residential unit within a multi-unit building;
# 17 = Non-residential mobile/manufactured home;
# 18 = A non-residential building;
# 19 = a non-residential unit within a multi-unit building;
Attach census and vulnerability data by state
# Look at distribution of flood events per block group
Final_FEMA ggplot(aes(x=Num_dates_Primary)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) +
labs(title="Total Flood Events Distribution",
x="Flood events per block group",
# First drop any blocks with fewer than 3 distinct flood events
<- Final_FEMA %>%
Final_FEMA_short filter(Num_dates_Primary>2)
# Attach census and vulnerability data by state
<- "AL"
astate for (astate in unique(Final_FEMA_short$State)) {
if(astate=="PR") {next} # No vuln index there
# print(astate)
<- readRDS(paste0(path, "Census_data/Flood/ACS_", astate, ".rds"))
<- readRDS(paste0(path, "SocialVulnIndex/SVI_", astate, ".rds")) %>%
Vuln select(-year, -state) %>%
RPL_themes=signif(RPL_themes,2)) %>%
# Attach vulnerability indicies
<- Final_FEMA_short %>%
foo mutate(GEOID=stringr::str_sub(censusBlockGroupFips, 1, 11)) %>%
inner_join(., Vuln, by="GEOID") %>%
# attach census data and the geometry
<- foo %>%
foo inner_join(., Census, join_by(censusBlockGroupFips == GEOID)) %>%
# Calculate Claims per household
<- foo %>%
foo mutate(ClaimsPerHousehold=signif(Num_Claims_Primary/Households, 2))
saveRDS(foo, paste0(pq_path, "Final_FEMA_Flood_Data/FEMA_", astate, ".rds"))