Developing a tool to overlay destruction with poverty levels
Alan Jackson
January 15, 2025
Mapping the LA fires and poverty levels
Yesterday I got an e-mail from a person at ERD (Episcopal Relief and Development) I have been working with. The question regarding the LA fires:
“Would it be relatively easy to show this damage data on a map with poverty levels?”
So I started trying to find the data. First I was able (with my primitive Arc skills) to create an Arcgis online map for the Eaton fire with the structure damage data overlain by poverty levels by census tract. I wasn’t able to do the same thing for the Palisades fire - I think the GIS author didn’t set the right permissions. With further searching I found the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection data hub, where they have data for public download.
At first I downloaded the csv files, but I never could find documentation on what geoid and projection system they used for the coordinates, so I went back and downloaded the shapefiles. So in the rest of this, that is my starting point.
One advantage of having the data in my own hands, is that I can attach census block-groups to each point, so the resolution on where the poverty pockets are will be higher, and I can also generate statistics and plots quite easily.
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5
✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1
✔ ggplot2 3.5.1 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.4 ✔ tidyr 1.3.1
✔ purrr 1.0.2
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.4, PROJ 9.4.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
googlecrs <-"EPSG:4326"in_path <-"/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/ERD/CA_Fire/Data/"path <-"/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/ERD/CA_Fire/"# Read in the shapefiles we created to a simple featureEaton <-read_sf(paste0(in_path, "DINS_2025_Eaton_Public_View/","DINS_2025_Eaton_Public_View.shp"))summary(Eaton) # check to see what it looks like. Could also do plot(temp)
Min. : 1 Length:18421 Length:18421 Length:18421
1st Qu.: 4657 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median : 9302 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean : 9308
3rd Qu.:13953
Max. :18620
POINT :18421
epsg:3857 : 0
+proj=merc...: 0
Eaton <- Eaton %>%mutate(Fire="Eaton") %>%st_transform(googlecrs) # get to a better geoid compatible with Open maps# Create a tiny date file with the date for that fileMydate <, "DINS_2025_Eaton_Public_View/","DINS_2025_Eaton_Public_View.shp")) %>%select(ctime)Mydate <-as.character(lubridate::as_date(Mydate$ctime))saveRDS(Mydate, paste0(path, "Date_string.rds"))Palisades <-read_sf(paste0(in_path, "DINS_2025_Palisades_Public_View/","DINS_2025_Palisades_Public_View.shp"))summary(Palisades) # check to see what it looks like. Could also do plot(temp)
Min. : 1 Length:12040 Length:12040 Length:12040
1st Qu.: 3824 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median : 6960 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean : 6869
3rd Qu.:10047
Max. :13438
POINT :12040
epsg:3857 : 0
+proj=merc...: 0
Palisades <- Palisades %>%mutate(Fire="Palisades") %>%st_transform(googlecrs)# Read in fire perimetersPerimeters <-read_sf(paste0(in_path, "CA_Perimeters_NIFC_FIRIS_public_view/","CA_Perimeters_NIFC_FIRIS_public_view.shp")) %>%filter(stringr::str_detect(incident_n, "Eaton|PALISADES")) %>%st_transform(googlecrs) %>%st_make_valid()summary(Perimeters)
OBJECTID GlobalID type source
Min. :1279 Length:6 Length:6 Length:6
1st Qu.:1289 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median :1296 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :1293
3rd Qu.:1298
Max. :1300
poly_DateC mission incident_n incident_1
Min. :2025-01-08 Length:6 Length:6 Length:6
1st Qu.:2025-01-10 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median :2025-01-11 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :2025-01-10
3rd Qu.:2025-01-12
Max. :2025-01-12
NA's :1
area_acres descriptio FireDiscov CreationDa
Min. :13299 Length:6 Min. :2025-01-07 Min. :2025-01-08
1st Qu.:13995 Class :character 1st Qu.:2025-01-07 1st Qu.:2025-01-10
Median :14013 Mode :character Median :2025-01-07 Median :2025-01-13
Mean :16723 Mean :2025-01-07 Mean :2025-01-13
3rd Qu.:19493 3rd Qu.:2025-01-07 3rd Qu.:2025-01-15
Max. :23707 Max. :2025-01-08 Max. :2025-01-18
NA's :4 NA's :4
EditDate displaySta geometry
Min. :2025-01-11 Length:6 MULTIPOLYGON :6
1st Qu.:2025-01-13 Class :character epsg:4326 :0
Median :2025-01-16 Mode :character +proj=long...:0
Mean :2025-01-16
3rd Qu.:2025-01-18
Max. :2025-01-21
NA's :4
options(tigris_use_cache =TRUE)# Retrieve the census dataget_ACS <-function(State, County) {# Now let's prepare the block-group data acs_vars <-c(Pop="B01001_001", # ACS population estimateMed_inc="B19013_001", # median household income, blk grpPer_cap_inc="B19301_001", # Per capita income, blk grpFam="B17010_001", # Families, blk grpFam_in_poverty="B17010_002", # Families in poverty, blk grpAggreg_inc="B19025_001", # Aggregate household income, blk grpHouseholds="B11012_001", # Households, blk grpMed_age="B01002_001") # median age, blk grp ACS <-get_acs(geography="block group",variables=acs_vars,year=2020,county=County,state=State,output="wide",geometry=TRUE) ACS <- ACS %>%mutate(Pct_poverty=as.integer(signif(100*Fam_in_povertyE/FamE, 0))) %>%select(GEOID, Pop_acs=PopE, Med_inc=Med_incE, Per_cap_in=Per_cap_incE,Fam=FamE, Fam_in_poverty=Fam_in_povertyE, Aggreg_inc=Aggreg_incE, Pct_poverty, Households=HouseholdsE, Med_ageE=Med_ageE) ACS <- sf::st_transform(ACS, googlecrs) %>%# get to a common geoid sf::st_make_valid()return(ACS)}
Clean up fire data
The fire data has a weird text field for the damage level:
So for it to be useful in analysis, I need to turn it into a factor.
Similarly, the field describing the structure type should also be a factor.
In some ways it has too much detail (“Single Family Residence Multi Story”, “Single Family Residence Single Story”), so I will also create a new variable to collapse the categories of buildings to residences, businesses, and other.
df %>%ggplot(aes(x=Damage)) +geom_bar() +facet_wrap(~Fire) +coord_flip() +labs(title="LA Fires, Current Count of Damaged Structures",subtitle="As of Jan 19, 2025 ",caption="Alan Jackson, 2025")
# This gets run the first time and then saved# Census <- get_ACS('CA', "Los Angeles") %>% # replace_na(list(Pct_poverty=0)) %>% # filter(Pop_acs>0)# Read in saved census dataCensus <-readRDS(paste0(path, "Census.rds")) # already saved# Extract block groups that intersect the fire perimeter polygonCensus <- Census[Perimeters,]