Read and Analyze subsidence data

Harris county
Map the subsidence rate near Houston, Texas

Alan Jackson


December 16, 2023


Data scraped (with some difficulty) from,29.2149,-94.1042,30.3246

Found from the website for the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District.

Scraping process

  • Install clipit to increase clipboard buffer size

  • Open table

  • Open information screen

  • Find table in info screen

  • Select all the data with ctl-C

  • Dump into file with xsel -b > foo8

  • Shorten extremely long line with cat foo8 | sed 's/<tr>/\r<tr>/g' > foo9.html

  • Read into editor and add <html> <body> <table> after eliminating un-needed stuff.


googlecrs <- "EPSG:4326"
localUTM <- "EPSG:32615"

path <- "/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/TexasDioceseCreationCare/Data/"

Read and parse the data

# Import the data
df <- rvest::read_html(paste0(path, "SubsidenceDataHarris.html")) %>%

df <-, df)

df <- df %>% 
  rename(Station=X1, Operator=X2, Latitude=X3, Longitude=X4, Start_Year=X5, End_Year=X6,
  Years_Monitoring=X7, Total_Vertical_Displacement_cm=X8, Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr=X9,
  POR_Plot=X10, RateLabel=X11, FID=X12

#   Some records are recorded at stations at the same location, which screws up kriging.
#   We will find those records and replace them with one record at that spot and average
#   the variable values.

df <- df %>% 
  mutate(index=paste0(as.character(Latitude), as.character(Longitude))) %>% 
  group_by(index) %>% 
              Longitude=first(Longitude)) %>% 

df_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(df, coords=c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs=googlecrs, agr = "identity")
df_xy <- sf::st_transform(df_sf, crs=localUTM)

# saveRDS(df_xy, paste0(path, "Subsidence_xy.rds"))

bbox <- sf::st_bbox(df_sf)

#   Expand box by 20% to give a little extra room
Dx <- (bbox[["xmax"]]-bbox[["xmin"]])*0.1
Dy <- (bbox[["ymax"]]-bbox[["ymin"]])*0.1
bbox["xmin"] <- bbox["xmin"] - Dx
bbox["xmax"] <- bbox["xmax"] + Dx
bbox["ymin"] <- bbox["ymin"] - Dy
bbox["ymax"] <- bbox["ymax"] + Dy

bb <- c(bbox["xmin"], bbox["ymin"], bbox["xmax"], bbox["ymax"])

Plot the data

Base_basemapR <- basemapR::base_map(bbox, basemap="mapnik", increase_zoom=2)

#   This is the best looking one.
df_sf %>% 
  ggplot() +
  Base_basemapR +

Grid and contour

Though really what I care most about is the grid, since that will yield the subsidence values at each of the church locations

#   First we create a box to build the grid inside of - in XY coordinates, not
#   lat long. 

bbox_xy = bbox %>%
  sf::st_as_sfc() %>%
  sf::st_transform(crs = localUTM) %>%

#     sfc POINT file
grd_sf <- sf::st_make_grid(x=bbox_xy,
#     Data frame
grd_df <- expand.grid(
  X = seq(from = bbox_xy["xmin"], to = bbox_xy["xmax"]+2000, by = 2000),
  Y = seq(from = bbox_xy["ymin"], to = bbox_xy["ymax"]+2000, by = 2000) # 1000 m resolution

Inverse distance weighting

#     Create interpolator and interpolate to grid

fit_IDW <- gstat::gstat( 
  formula = Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr ~ 1,
  data = df_xy, 
  #nmax = 10, nmin = 3, # can also limit the reach with these numbers
  set = list(idp = 2.5) # inverse distance power

#   Use predict to apply the model fit to the grid (using the data frame grid
#   version)

#           We set debug.level to turn off annoying output
interp_IDW <- predict(fit_IDW, grd_sf, debug.level=0)

#   Convert to a stars object so we can use the contouring in stars
interp_IDW_stars <- stars::st_rasterize(interp_IDW %>% dplyr::select(Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr=var1.pred, geometry))

#   Quick sanity check, and can use to adjust the distance power Looks pretty
#   good - most input points look close to the output grid points, with some
#   notable exceptions. The red point to the north is possibly bad data. Easier
#   to judge from areal displays.
ggplot() +
  #   geom_stars is a good way to display a grid
  stars::geom_stars(data=interp_IDW_stars) +  
  geom_sf(data=df_xy, aes(color=Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr), size=5) +
  geom_sf(data=df_xy, color="Black", size=1) +
  #     This is for the raster color fill
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5), limits=c(-2,1)) +
  #     This is for the original data points
  scale_color_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5), limits=c(-2,1)) +
  labs(title="Inverse Distance Weighting, Power = 2.5")

Search for best IDW power

Even optimizing, the result is kind of sucky.

#   Do a leave-one-out analysis for a variety of weighting powers
Validate <- NULL
for (power in (2:8)*0.5) {
  my_fit <- gstat::gstat(formula = Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr ~ 1, data = df_xy,  set = list(idp = power))
  foo <- sf::st_as_sf(, debug.level=0, verbose=FALSE)) %>% 
    rename(Observed=observed, Predicted=var1.pred ) %>% 
  Validate <- bind_rows(Validate, foo)

Validate %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Observed, y=Predicted)) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(method='lm') +
    geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, color="red", linetype="dashed") +
    facet_wrap(vars(power)) +
    labs(title="Leave-one-out Validation",
         x="Observed (inches)",
         y="Predicted (inches)")

#     Root mean square error

RMS <- Validate %>% 
  group_by(power) %>% 
  summarise(RMS=sqrt(sum((Predicted-Observed)^2) / n()))

RMS %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=power, y=RMS)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth() +
    labs(title="RMS Error vs. Inverse Distance Weighting Power")


First the drift.

I don’t like the looks of the fit - I think that there is enough data surrounding the bowl near zero that there is no drift. This is a flat plane with a bowl in the middle.

#   Let's look at 1st order fit

df_xy_df <- bind_cols(sf::st_drop_geometry(df_xy), 
                      sf::st_coordinates(df_xy)) # make a tibble

# Define the 1st order polynomial equation
f.1 <- as.formula(Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr ~ X + Y) 

# Run the regression model
lm.1 <- lm( f.1, data=df_xy_df)

#   Use predict to apply the model fit to the grid This re-attaches X-Y
#   coordinates to the predicted values so they can be made into a grid

Poly_fit.1 <- sf::st_as_sf(bind_cols(grd_df,
                                     data.frame(var1.pred=predict(lm.1, grd_df))), 
                           coords=c("X", "Y"))

#   Convert to a stars object 
Poly_fit_star.1 <- stars::st_rasterize(Poly_fit.1 %>% 
                                         dplyr::select(Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr=var1.pred, geometry))

ggplot() +
  stars::geom_stars(data=Poly_fit_star.1) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5)) +
  geom_sf(data=df_xy, aes(color=Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr), size=5) +
  scale_color_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5), limits=c(-2,1)) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5), limits=c(-2,1)) +
  geom_sf(data=df_xy, color="Black", size=1)+ 
  labs(title="Linear trend from subsidence data")


I pick the Spherical model

#   Let's look at the variogram

var.smpl <- gstat::variogram(Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr ~ 1, 
# Compute the variogram model by passing the nugget, sill and range values
# to fit.variogram() via the vgm() function.
#                models are "Sph", "Exp", "Mat", and "Gau"

Plot_data <- NULL
for (model in c("Sph", "Exp", "Mat", "Gau")) {
  foo  <- gstat::fit.variogram(var.smpl, fit.ranges = TRUE, fit.sills = TRUE,
                                   debug.level = 0,
                            gstat::vgm(psill=NA, model=model, range=NA, nugget=0))
  Plot_data <- bind_rows(Plot_data, gstat::variogramLine(foo, maxdist = max(var.smpl$dist)) %>% 

ggplot(var.smpl, aes(x = dist, y = gamma)) +
     geom_point() +
     geom_text(aes(hjust="left", label=np), nudge_x=200) +
     geom_line(data=Plot_data, aes(x=dist, y=gamma, color=Model)) +
     labs(title="Variogram for detrended data",
          subtitle="Numbers represent number of points in the distance bin")

Do Kriging

#   We have our model, so now let's use it <- gstat::fit.variogram(var.smpl, fit.ranges = TRUE, fit.sills = TRUE,
                                   debug.level = 0,
                            gstat::vgm(psill=NA, model="Gau", range=NA, nugget=0))

# saveRDS(, paste0(path, "gstat_variogram_Subsidence.rds"))

Krigged_grid <- gstat::krige(Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr ~ 1,
[using ordinary kriging]
Krigged_star <- stars::st_rasterize(Krigged_grid %>% dplyr::select(Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr=var1.pred, geometry))

#     Residuals
ggplot() +
  stars::geom_stars(data=Krigged_star) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5)) +
  geom_sf(data=df_xy, color="Black", size=1) +
  labs(title="Residuals from Kriging")


brks <- seq(from = -1, to = 0.2, by = 0.2)
#   Create contour lines
Contours_Krig <- stars::st_contour(Krigged_star, contour_lines=TRUE, breaks=brks)
#   Plot to see what it all looks like
ggplot() +
  stars::geom_stars(data=Krigged_star) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5), limits=c(-1,0.2)) +
  geom_sf(data=df_xy, aes(color=Subsidence_Rate_cmperyr), size=5) +
  scale_color_gradientn(colors=rainbow(5), limits=c(-1,0.2)) +
  geom_sf(data=df_xy, color="Black", size=1) +
  geom_sf(data=Contours_Krig, color="black") 

Final publication quality map

#   Now lets transform the contours to lat-long space and plot on the basemap

Contours_LL <- sf::st_transform(Contours_Krig, crs=googlecrs) 
Krig_star_LL <- sf::st_transform(Krigged_star, crs=googlecrs)

# saveRDS(Contours_LL, paste0(path, "Contours_LL_Subsidence.rds"))
# saveRDS(Krig_star_LL, paste0(path, "Star_Grid_LL_Subsidence.rds"))

ggplot() +
  #   this is the best looking basemap
  Base_basemapR +
  #   Gridded data
  stars::geom_stars(data=Krig_star_LL, alpha=0.4) +  
  #   Add points
  geom_sf(data=df_sf) +
  #   Create filled density "contours" 
  geom_sf(data=Contours_LL, color="black") +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(direction=-1, alpha=0.4, name="Subsidence\nRate (cm/yr)") +
  #   Add a scale bar
  ggspatial::annotation_scale(data=df_sf, aes(unit_category="imperial", style="ticks"),
    location="br", width_hint=0.2, bar_cols=1) +
  #   Add CI annotation at specified window coordinates
  annotate("text", label="C.I. = 0.2 cm per year subsidence
           Data sourced from the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District 
           2022 Annual Groundwater Report
           Map a product of Alan Jackson", 
           hjust="inward", vjust="inward", size = 2) +
  coord_sf(crs=googlecrs) + # required 
  #   Add title
  labs(title="Subsidence Rate",
       subtitle="Points represent the measurement locations",
       x="Longitude", y="Latitude")

# ggsave(paste0(path, "Subsidence_map.png"),dpi=400)